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Tiles & Taps... What’s Trending for Bathrooms!

The bathroom can often be overlooked in the design or re-design of a home, but it is a space that is fundamental in our daily lives. The most effective bathroom designs breathe life into our daily routines, to energise us, relax us and to bring a simple, genuine joy into the home. Two of the key elements that enliven a bathroom are the tiles and the taps and there are some emerging trends that we are very excited to share with you.

Natural Tones & Textures

Earthy and natural tones and textures guide us toward a nature-base feeling, to reinvigorate our connection with the space around us. Anything reminiscent of the beauty of the great outdoors is trending in 2020, as we as a people move toward a greater appreciation of Earth. ‘Green is great! We've seen an explosion in demand for this colour, paired with softly coloured stone - ones that feel handcrafted and weathered, is an efficient way to bring new depth into the bathroom. It can also be easily varied based on one’s taste and lifestyle. Whether that is a subtle and elegant grain, crafted to flow smoothly into the bathroom, or something a little louder to make more of a statement - think bold marbles and ornate patterning. Designing with natural elements, tones and textures is not simply an aesthetic decision to impress, but one that can completely transform the feeling of a space, creating an indoor oasis that bows to the beauty of the external world without claiming dominion over it.

Well-Rounded Taps

Bathrooms have superseded their old function. Now, instead of being just a place to wash, they are a place to relax and indulge in calm. For a more mindful bathroom, the finishing touches will be noted. The two main aspects of a tap, is its tone and its shape. There are now varieties of metal tones to choose from and not just the ubiquitous chrome. Make sure you love it and it pairs well with its surroundings. Taps can be changed fairly easily so you can take the fashionable option that you’re in love with this year! There's been a craze for matt black - now a track being beaten to antique brass - I think it’s something you can have a little fun with. The American craze for bronze hasn’t really hit these shores yet so watch this space. Nickel & brushed stainless will always be classic options. We look for a simple classical design aesthetic rather than heading for the latest techno trend!

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